This is an online journal about my experiences in health, fitness and life in general with the hope to inspire others to unlock their own power to do...
Monday, December 27, 2010
New Year: New Realizations: New Goals
What I have realized:
If I made a list of what I have come to realize in 2010, this post would be way too long. Instead, I will narrow my "epiphanies" (so to speak) to the last few weeks.
-Saving yourself for that one or two days of holiday binging is not worth the effects it has on the body.
-I function better as a person on whole raw unprocessed foods.
-Christmas is about giving, love and family- not about how many gifts are under the tree. It is about being receptive to a need that a loved one may have and complying to that need.
-No matter what comes your way, remember to breathe. It is the essence of life. When we breathe deeply, we rid ourselves of that which is stale and unnecessary in our lives and we have the opportunity to give ourselves that which is fresh and clean.
-2010 was a year of many realizations. I have made new space in many aspects of my life for growth.
So there you have it. Yes, it's a bit random.
After looking back at my goals 1 year ago, I am so glad to say that I have completed every one of them. I have a good feeling about 2011. Here are my goals:
-I will start the year with a 14 day cleanse and will finish up January by eating 100% raw and continuing with at least 80% raw. I was eating 80-90% raw up until the week before Christmas. Christmas Day was quite a discovery for me. I typically bake a ton of goodies at Christmas. I limited my baking to the day before Christmas this year and made a minimal amount. However, Christmas day came around and I literally pigged out. I am totally ashamed to admit it. I ate so many things that I normally do not ever touch....chips, ranch dressing, cookies, cheesecake, candy. This was a huge mistake....especially the dairy. I haven't touched a piece of meat in a year and a half and I do not struggle with it. When it comes to holidays and dairy, I break. Never again. The day after Christmas opened my eyes. I had the worst food reaction ever. My nose was running. I was sneezing repeatedly. My digestion was way off and I had the worst headache ever. I was tired. It is because of this occurance that I have chosen this goal.
-I want to grow and expand my business. It has been a great few months working with women on weight loss, strength, and endurance. It has been a pleasure introducing them to the wonderful benefits of yoga. I have added some great options to my menu of fitness activities. I have scheduled two morning retreats that include hiking, yoga and lunch. I hope to add motivational guest speakers to the retreats as participants gain interest. I have also added personal training and am excited to continue to help and inspire others this year.
-Join a CSA. A CSA is community supported agriculture in which you pre-pay for a share of fresh local organic produce to be picked up weekly. I have talked about it and thought about it for a long time now and am ready to join in. I feel this is one of the best ways to continue my support of small local farms.
These are my goals for health fitness and community. I hope that by stating my goals, I can begin to inspire others to unleash the power they posses within to do.
"I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do." -Leonardo da Vinci
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Wrapping up the week...with gratitude

Monday, November 1, 2010
Holiday Boot Camp!

Monday, October 25, 2010
Blueberry Hemp Smoothie

Sunday, October 17, 2010
Attention Boot Campers!
See you there!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Food Matters- Seriously

The other day, Netflix recommended a documentary for me called "Food Matters." This is an AMAZING movie and I HIGHLY recommended it to everyone. The movie is based on Hippocrates' philosophy, "Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food." When I turned on the documentary, I was VERY close to taking a dose of sinus medication...this is something I NEVER do. Seriously, I was going to turn on the show, pop a pill and watch it. However, the opening was the Hippocrates quote. I decided to just sit down. The movie spoke a lot about the drug companies, lack of nutritional education in doctors, and the importance of eating raw superfoods as well as vitamin therapy for sickness and disease. I had a cold coming on. The next day was spent nursing it with oil of oregano, vitamin c, d3, zinc and many cups of echinacea tea. Cold....Gone.
Anyhow, watching this documentary as well as hearing the story of Philip McCluskey (below), I am ready for some serious dabbling in raw foods again. Please watch his story and if you can watch "Food Matters" because guess what my friend? Food REALLY does matter. It makes a difference in your energy levels, the quality of your life, your mood and most importantly your health. The movie says it, I have said, and MANY others have said, heard it and believed it- "You are what you eat." So eat well and be well and have a beautiful day!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Mochi Waffles with Steamed Greens
Sunday, October 3, 2010
LOVE yourself, Part II
I am not being critical or mean. I honestly feel that it is sad to see people walk around accepting mediocracy from themselves, in their relationships, from society and from the government that deceives us. Seek the truth. Love your self more than that.
This is the beginning of a new month, my friends. Take the next thirty days or so to challenge yourself and do something for you everyday- something that will serve your greater purpose in life. Meditate, get 30 minutes of exercise a day, drink 64 oz of water, drink a green smoothie. Do something productive and healthy for you today. Love yourself more.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
LOVE yourself

Friday, September 24, 2010
Strength Training for Women

Saturday, August 21, 2010
Creamy Raw Sun-Dried Tomato Basil Sauce
- 2/3 cup sun-dried tomatoes
- 1/2 cup raw organic cashews
- 6-8 fresh basil leaves
- 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
- 1/3 cup coconut aminos
- juice of 2 lemons
- 1/4 cup coconut nectar
- 1 heaping tbsp chopped red onion
- 1 med size garlic clove
- 1 tsp thyme
- 1 tsp oregano
- black peppercorns and/or sea salt to top it off
Combine all ingredients in a blender or food processor.
This recipe makes a good amount.
With all the zucchini I've had in my garden this summer, I sliced one up like "noodles" with my mandolin and topped with this sauce. It can also be used as a dip. I used some yummy seed crackers to dip. Enjoy!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Fall Boot Camp Registration!

Monday, August 9, 2010
14 Days of Beauty: Day 14, The Legs

Sunday, August 8, 2010
14 Days of Beauty: Day 13, The Breath

Sunday, August 1, 2010
14 Days of Beauty: Day 12, The Stomach
Now back to having that beautiful stomach. In conjunction with a healthy diet and consistent cardiovascular exercise, the following routine done consistently will get you a beautiful stomach in no time. There is no equipment required....just floor space. How easy is that?
- Bicycle crunches Lie flat on the floor with your lower back pressed to the ground. Put your hands beside your head. Bring knees up to about 45- degree angle and slowly go through a bicycle pedal motion. Touch your left elbow to your right knee, then your right elbow to your left knee. Keep even, relaxed breathing throughout.
-Lie on the floor and lace your fingers behind your head.
-Bring the knees in towards the chest and lift the shoulder blades off the floor without pulling on the neck.
-Straighten the left leg out while simultaneously turning the upper body to the right, taking the left elbow towards the right knee.
-Switch sides, bringing the right elbow towards the left knee.
-Continue alternating sides in a pedaling motion for 1-3 sets of 12-16 reps.
- Vertical Leg Crunch
-Lie on the floor and extend the legs straight up with knees crossed.
-You can place your hands on the floor for support.
-Contract the abs to lift the shoulder blades off the floor, as though reaching your chest towards your feet.
-Keep the legs in a fixed position and imagine bringing your belly button towards your spine at the top of the movement.
-Lower and repeat for 1-3 sets of 12-16 reps.
- Long Arm Crunch
-Lie on a mat and extend the arms straight out behind the head with hands clasped, keeping the arms next to the ears.
-Contract the abs and lift the shoulder blades off the floor.
-Keep the arms straight and avoid straining the neck. If you feel neck pain, take one hand behind the head while keeping the other arm extended.
-Lower and repeat for 1-3 sets of 12-16 reps.
- Reverse Crunch
-Lie on the floor and place hands on the floor or behind the head.
-Bring the knees in towards the chest until they're bent to 90 degrees, with feet together or crossed.
-Contract the abs to curl the hips off the floor, reaching the legs up towards the ceiling.
-Lower and repeat for 1-3 sets of 12-16 reps.
-It's a very small movement, so try to use your abs to lift your hips rather than swinging your legs and creating momentum.
- Plank
-Lie face down on mat resting on the forearms, palms flat on the floor.
-Push off the floor, raising up onto toes and resting on the elbows.
-Keep your back flat, in a straight line from head to heels.
-Tilt your pelvis and contract your abdominal to prevent your rear end from sticking up in the air or sagging in the middle.
-Hold for 20 to 60 seconds, lower and repeat for 3-5 reps.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
14 Days of Beauty: Day 11, Elbows and Knees
Friday, July 23, 2010
Coffee Creamer or Cigarettes?

Sunday, July 18, 2010
Free Yoga on Monday: Cancelled this week
Have a beautiful Sunday!
Friday, July 16, 2010
14 Days of Beauty: Day 10, The Hair

Thursday, July 15, 2010
14 Days of Beauty: Day 9, The Heart
Saturday, July 10, 2010
14 Days of Beauty: Day 8, The Neck

Thursday, July 8, 2010
14 Days of Beauty: Day 7, The Lips

Lip Mask
2 tbsp turbinado sugar
1-3 tsp honey
a few drops of olive oil
Place the sugar in a small bowl and begin adding the honey by teaspoons until it reaches a nice thick consistency. Add in a few drops of olive oil. You may use your "lip brush" (see above) to gently apply or simply use your finger. After rinsing with warm water, apply a natural lip moisturizer or lip balm. This routine is best done before going to bed.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
14 Days of Beauty: Day 6
Most of all, yourself. Take a good look at yourself in the mirror and find something that is beautiful about you...something you love. Treasure yourself. Take care of you and know that you are unique and beautiful.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
14 Days of Beauty: Day 5, The Tongue
Monday, July 5, 2010
Raw Chocolate Chia Breakfast Smoothie
1 banana
8 oz. almond milk
1 tsp chia seeds (soaked for 15 min.)
1-2 tsp raw cacao powder
ice as desired
Blend all ingredients on high speed in the blender. So de-lish!
Summer Green Smoothie
1 banana
8 oz apple juice (I juiced my own)
4-5 leaves rainbow chard (from my garden!)
1 kiwi
1 pink grapefruit
1 sprig of mint (from my garden too!)
1 tsp bee pollen
1 tsp raw honey
ice as desired
Blend all ingredients on high speed in a blender. The mint gives this smoothie a super refreshing taste. I was really impressed! I had a mini bowl of raw sunflower seeds, raw pepitas, and pecan pieces with this. Very tasty!
14 Days of Beauty: Day 4, The Forehead

Allow all the weight of your head to fall forward into the heel of your hand.
Breathe long and deeply.
Begin making small circular rotations with the heel of your hand on your forehead.
Do this first clockwise and then counter clockwise.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
14 Days of Beauty: Day 3, The Face

This mask also contains carrots that are rich in beta-carotene and antioxidants.
1 avocado (peeled, pitted and mashed)
1 carrot (cooked and mashed)
3 tablespoons of honey
Combine all the ingredients and apply on the face and neck. Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse well.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
14 Days of Beauty, Day 2: The Eyes

This easy restorative treatment removes puffiness in a short amount of time.
You will need:
- 1 organic potato
- organic cotton facial pads
- chamomile tea bags
1. Grate a potato and collect the juice in a bowl.
2. Apply the potato juice to damp cotton pads.
3. Place over the eye area for about 15 minutes. For extreme problems leave on for 30 minutes.
Chamomile tea bags placed over the eyes in the same manner are also a good alternative.
Drinking about a quart of nettle tea can also help reduce puffy eyes.
When you notice that you have bags under the eyes, it may indicate that your kidneys are under stress or you may be suffering from food allergies. Keep a close eye on the foods you are eating.
Friday, July 2, 2010
14 Days of Beauty
We crave beauty. Whether it be in ourselves, our loved ones, our relationship or in our surroundings. This month, I will give a daily beauty tip. Make it your goal this month to pamper yourself daily, even if it is just for a moment. It is so important that we love ourselves first before we give a part of ourselves to others. Know that YOU are important, beautiful, unique and powerful.
Let's focus on the head: the crown.
Today, take care of your crown by massaging the scalp with jojoba oil or shea butter. This invigorates, while simulating and increasing the blood flow and circulation to this area.
For those of you that enjoy reading about or connecting to your chakras, or main energy centers, this is the crown, the seventh chakra, and the color associated with it is violet. This is the connection to your higher self. Disease can result from an imbalance of energy in this chakra. The violet energy connects us to wisdom and inner strength. It also purifies our thoughts and feelings, giving us inspiration in all of our duties. It develops artistic talent as well as creativity.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Recommended Reading
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Eating Healthy on the Road

Gas Station
Believe it or not, gas stations usually have apples, bananas, or oranges. For your non-vegan eaters, most stay stocked with string cheese and yogurt. Choose pretzels over chips. Grab a single serving box of whole grain cereal. Stay away from the candy and soda. Many gas stations have protein bars but remember to read your labels as some can have up to 300 calories and more than a fair share of sugar. Nutrigrain bars have high fructose corn syrup in them so do not think that these are healthy alternatives.
Fast Food Restaurants
When I first started losing weight, I obtained the nutrition pamphlets from most fast food places. Sometimes, particularly on the way home, eating at these places is inevitable.
Here are some of my choices:
Taco Bell- Fresco bean burrito and a side of rice. This is approximately 400 calories.
McDonalds (which I despise but sometimes is the only place around for miles)- southwestern grilled chicken salad without the chicken of course. There is a good variety of greens, black beans, corn and if I remember correctly tomatoes. Do not use their southwestern dressing instead choose the balsamic. You can get out the door in under 350 calories.
Del Taco- Veggie works burrito with no cheese or sour cream and guacamole on the side. With the sour cream and cheese and guac, it's about 700 something calories. Take these ingredients out and you're in the safe range- probably in the 400 range.
Subway or any sandwich shop- veggie sandwich with no cheese or mayo.
Burger King- Many have veggie burgers however they most likely are not vegan. Check their salads and stay away from cream dressings as they are loaded with fat and excess calories.
The key here is reading those nutrition pamphlets. Grab one before ordering to ensure that you are making a good choice. If you are going through the drive-through, park first, run inside to use the bathroom and get the pamphlet. Read it and choose accordingly.
Standard Restaurants
Grilled veggie sandwiches, salads with balsamic. Order a side of steamed veggies or fruit instead of fries or coleslaw. Water or unsweetened tea instead of soda.
Hotel Continental Breakfast
Whole grain toast and fruit. Many also have oatmeal or whole grain cereals.
The perfect oatmeal is a good choice for breakfast. Before I became vegan, I would get the spinach, egg and feta wrap which is not too high in calories. Tall soy chai latte or rooibos tea with soy milk are my choices for drink Take some stevia along in your purse and stay away from artificial sweeteners. They also have nutrition pamphlets for their drinks and food. Get one.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Sunrise and Sunset Yoga

Warm up to your day with this gentle and refreshing outdoor yoga session in a serene lake setting. This class is suitable for all levels.
When: Tuesday mornings at 6:30 am beginning July 6, 2010.
Where: Harveston Lake. Please meet in the gazebo.
Bring closure to your day with an invigorating yoga workout in a peaceful forest like setting. This class is suitable for all levels.
When: Thursday evenings at 7 pm beginning July 8, 2010.
Where: Sykes Ranch Park located on Hayes Avenue in Murrieta (across the street from Creekside High School).
Cost: Classes are $8 when purchased individually. You may purchase a punch card for $40. This is a pass to 6 classes. Pass must be presented at time of class.
Announcing Summer Weight Loss Bootcamp!
Boot camp is an hour long intense cardio and strength exercise circuit routine designed to meet the fitness needs of each individual. Boot camp workouts are efficient because you work your entire body-- heart and muscles--by going from one exercise to another with little to no rest. The workouts involve calisthenics like pushups, jumping jacks, crunches and other weighted and non-weighted exercises. The difference lies in the intensity and effort you give it. In boot camp, your challenge is to take your body to its limit.
When: Every Monday and Wednesday evening from 7:00-8:00 pm. First class is Monday, July 12 and the last class of the session is September 1.
Where: Los Alamos Sports Park in Murrieta
Cost: $30 one time start up fee (which includes equipment fees, weight loss assessment, body analysis and recommendations) and $48 per month. Payment options are as follows:
A) Pay start up fee and monthly fees up front and receive a discount. Price will be $120 ($6 discount) for 8 weeks of boot camp classes and weight loss monitoring.
B) Pay start up fee and first month ($78). August payment ($48) is due on August 2.
To register, please contact me at
Saturday, June 19, 2010
New Classes Forming in July!
Outdoor Sunset Yoga- Thursday evenings from 7-8 pm, fee to be determined
Boot Camp- Monday and Wednesday evening from 7-8 pm, 8 week session, fee to be determined, park location
More details will be announced soon. Keep checking back for updates!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Sauteed Veggie Medley with Cooked Quinoa
Some of the nutrients in quinoa include:
Thursday, May 27, 2010
There Are No Limits and There Are No Excuses...
Darren today. More than 100 pounds lighter.
Monday, May 31...
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Women's Health Day

Hormone Balancing
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Belle Handbags and Accessories: Local Business Review
the latest trends and style purses, jewelry and clothing at affordable prices.
New shipments arrive every week.
Cecila makes a visit to her store exciting by hosting many different types of events. Her latest event is "Women's Health Day." There will be guest speakers talking about women's health and I will be speaking about the benefits of yoga. Women's Health Day will take place on Friday, May 21 in the evening. More information to follow.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Thirsty Thursday- Homemade "Gatorade"
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Oatmeal, Walnut and Dried Plum Cookies
Makes about one dozen cookies (thank goodness that's all)
1 cup quick-cooking rolled oats
3/4 cup whole wheat flour
1/3 cup maple sugar (I have yet to find maple sugar, so I used organic cane sugar)
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp sea salt
1/3 cup maple syrup
1/2 safflower oil
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp molasses
1/4 cup chopped dried plums (or other dried fruit)
1/4 finely chopped walnuts
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
Combine oats, flour, sugar, baking powder, bakig soda, and salt in a large bowl. In a separate bowl, combine the syrup, oil, vanilla extract and molasses. Add the wet ingredients to the dry and stir. Fold in dried fruit and nuts.
Roll tbsp size scoops of dough into balls. Place on a baking sheet....I used a pampered chef stone. Press the tops of the balls down slightly to flatten. Bake for about 10 minutes or until lightly browned. I let mine cool on the stone until they hardened. So delicious!
Variations: Replace flour with gluten-free baking mix as long as it does not inlcude baking soda and baking powder. You may also use braley or spelt flour and if you HAVE to unbleached all purpose flour. Throw some other types of nuts in or carob chips.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Deodorant: A Stinky Situation

Thursday, April 29, 2010
Thirsty Thursday: Brain Power Smoothie

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Healthy body or Healthy Wallet?