Monday, October 25, 2010

Blueberry Hemp Smoothie

I'm still on this raw food kick of mine and I am diggin' it. I'm reading Victoria Boutenko's book, "12 Steps to Raw Foods" and I find it really interesting. I'm learning to listen to my body is response to different foods. Anyhow, maybe some more on that another time because today I wanted to share an amazingly heavenly smoothie recipe that I tried from Penni Shelton's Raw Food Cleanse.

Blueberry Hemp Smoothie

2 cups water

1/2 cup hemp seeds

3 tbsp agave

8 ounce package of frozen organic blueberries

1 tsp vanilla extract or raw vanilla powder

1 frozen banana or 1 banana and 4-6 ice cubes

In a blender, blend water and hemp seeds until it forms a milky substance.
Add the remaining ingredients.

High in protein, antioxidants, omegas, potassium and it's delicious!