After performing your daily skin care regimine, find a relaxing area to sit. First, carefully and gently place your fingers on either side of the neck just under the ears. Gently manipulate the skin in a downward motion toward the back of your neck. Repeat this approximately ten times while changing the position of your fingers each time to a lower position on the neck further away from the ears. Now, move your fingers to the tops of your shoulders. Gently and carefully massage the skin toward the collarbone. Do this approximately five times.
Chakras: The Throat
The neck is the location of the throat chakra. The color representing this chakra is blue. In this area, we verbalize and communicate. This chakra governs knowledge, health and decision making.
You can perform yoga asanas that open the throat area. Take a wide stance, facing the toes outward slightly. Interlace your fingers behind the back while keeping your arms staright and let the shoulders relax down and back. Let your head drop behind you, opening the throat. You are still in a standing position. Take five to ten deep breaths.
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