I can't stress the importance of taking a few moments each day to focus on just breathing. Having been sick for the past five days for the first time in way over a year, I have been reminded to focus on the breath. Of course we do not need to focus on breathing in order to survive, but we want to do more than just merely survive. We want to shine. We want to be radiant. When we simply breathe to exist, we do not use the full capacity of our lungs. Our breathing is shallow and short. We breathe in this manner even when we exercise at a vigorous intensity. Take a few moments today and breathe deeply. Fill up your lungs to their full extent and exhale everything out; ridding your body of old stale air and toxins. Taking in more oxygen brings more oxygen to the blood and to the brain. The brain requires more oxygen than the other organs in your body. If it doesn't get a sufficient amount, the result is mental sluggishness, negative thoughts, depression and, eventually can affect the vision and hearing. Oxygen supply in our body declines as we age or if we live a poor unhealthy lifestyle. Oxygen is the most importnat, vital and essential nutrient in our bodies. It is vital for efficient functioning of the brain, nerves, glands and other internal organs. We can survive without food for weeks and without water for days, but without oxygen we will die within a few minutes.
Vist the following website and try breathing exercises listed here. Try to take the time each day to focus on the breath. This is the practice of pranayama in which you exercise breath control.
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