Sunday, October 3, 2010

LOVE yourself, Part II

I went with my family to Sam's Club earlier today to buy a few things. As I walked around the corner, I looked around at all the shoppers. The number of overweight people I saw was saddening. I would have to say that 9 out of 10 people in that store today were at or near obesity. I wanted to help them. It is sad to see what our society has come to. Buying bulk of needless things- of guilty pleasures that should not be pleasing at all. Sometimes you have to ask yourself, "Is this benefiting me?" "Is this serving my purpose in life?" Our purpose in life goes so far beyond eating a dozen cookies and finding your body in a state of shock and dismay. Dig deep. Love yourself more than that.

I am not being critical or mean. I honestly feel that it is sad to see people walk around accepting mediocracy from themselves, in their relationships, from society and from the government that deceives us. Seek the truth. Love your self more than that.

This is the beginning of a new month, my friends. Take the next thirty days or so to challenge yourself and do something for you everyday- something that will serve your greater purpose in life. Meditate, get 30 minutes of exercise a day, drink 64 oz of water, drink a green smoothie. Do something productive and healthy for you today. Love yourself more.

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya! My eyes have been open for some time now and I notice these things as well. It's not judgment per se, just keen insight into the illness and cause behind the obesity dilemna in our society. If moderation was a term and concept taught to us early and often we would all look and feel so different than we do. There are times that I find it so disheartening and blame the powers that be that it makes me want to pack my bags and my kids and move to another country. Extreme, I know.
