Monday, January 25, 2010


I have had so many things on my mind the past few days that I have wanted to blog about that I don't even know where to start. I have been working on my next post for a few days and it was about the health benefits of nuts. I decided to postpone that post. Please bear with me as I am not sure where this post is going as it is written on a whim and may lack in structure.

I go to the gym 6 days a week. I love my small little gym and its friendly staff. However, I have noticed the clientele (especially the women) at my gym do not seem to push themselves to their potential. This saddens me. Women are more powerful than they think....I wish they knew that. Now I am not saying that one has to go the gym and tire themselves out the point of exhaustion every time. But I really want to talk to these people and encourage them to push themselves just a little more with each gym visit. I can be a bit shy at times so I try to speak to them through my own energy.

This leads me to my next thought. There are a few women who go to the gym that work hard. When they walk into the gym, their energy radiates from them. Upon seeing these women and feeling their energy, I increase my level of intensity. I sense that our commitment to health is encouraging to one another. This goes to show that one's energy is powerful whether it be positive or negative. Be the one to radiate that positive, warm energy (prana). You never know who you may encourage just by your presence.

You may be the only one in your family right now who is trying to make healthy changes in their life. This may be discouraging, but "keep on truckin' " Eventually your energy will be inspirational to others. Since I have lost my 50 something pounds, my husband, who was already reasonably fit, lost 20. He also changed dramatically changed his eating habits one small step at a time. My picky children have begun to eat more vegetables (they already ate a lot of fruit) and slowly my teenager is making healthier choices on her own.

I guess this post is about energy. Your energy is important to all those you come in contact with. It's like a domino effect. Energy. You may not be able to see it but you can feel it. Speak and think positive thoughts. Smile. Laugh. Your energy is a means of communication. Now go about your day and just remember to let positive energy radiate from your presence. :)

Until next time....

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