The latter half of this year has been an amazing ride. The first part of 2011 was somewhat lukewarm and uneventful. I felt myself settling into a routine that did not challenge me in any manner. However, as the end of summer approached, changes happened and my zest for life
was once again awakened.
Philip McCluskey on
facebook posted this quote a few weeks ago, "Detours, challenges, and crisis, are simply covers for miracles that had no other way of reaching you." That is simply beautiful. My detours and challenges
occurred on many levels and one or tow I will share and some were very personal that I will keep to myself.
One of these challenges not only involved me but my husband as well. And I would love to share. My husband paid a visit to the dermatologist to have a spot on his back checked out and found out it was basal cell carcinoma. Of course, it was removed. The results of this information have been life changing as my husband decided to adhere to a first vegetarian diet and later to a vegan diet. He wanted to try out the veg thing for a month or so which is quite a decision for him since he loved his meat. He LOVED ribs, prime rib and large steaks. He had cut way back on consumption of meat for the past few years but I
NEVER thought I would see the day that he would give it up completely. During those first thirty days, I bought the book
Skinny Bastard for him. We also watched the documentaries
Forks Over Knives as well as
The Gerson Miracle. Both of these films are usually available on
Netflix live streaming video. After watching these videos not only was he committed to being vegetarian, it was on to
veganism. Amazing changes have occurred not only for him but for me and my entire family as well. I have been vegetarian since 2009. I tried as best as I could being vegan but I would cave at times. This was mostly in part because I was
the only one in my family trying to follow this diet. So, if they were eating an organic cheese pizza, I would sneak a few bites after I finished my pizza with
Daiya Cheese. If something had a little milk or egg in the ingredients, I would say, oh no big deal. and eat it anyway. I suffered from allergies that I contributed to dairy but I didn't think that a tiny bit of organic dairy would make a difference. Little that I knew it did. My husband had the same problem. He contributed this to seasonal allergies but the strange thing was is that he would really flare up in November/December. Not a lot of pollen in the air during that time of year. He would take an Advil Sinus or something of that sort almost daily just to cope with
sinusitis. He went vegan and my world was turned upside down in such an amazing way. No allergy flare ups for either one of us. I became more committed to what I knew was the right thing for my body. Not only was it Jason and I following this diet but we passed it on to our girls as well. My oldest still eats meat and dairy usually at school or when she is out and about but a large percentage of her diet is vegan. She is in
pre-season track and is showing an amazing amount of strength in her workouts. Jason has lost 15 lbs since the change and is stronger than ever. He looks, skin....the whole package He has the six pack he's been searching for since he was 16. :)
Jason discovered cheddar
Daiya Cheese and then something wonderful happened. He became the most amazing vegan cook. He imitated unhealthy horrifically bad food and made it healthy and vegan. For the remainder of this month, I will be giving to you (what a better season to give the gift of health) the recipes of some of our amazing vegan food. We work together at times in the kitchen coming up with the most bomb food you've ever tasted. I cannot commit to a daily recipe but I will commit to a few each week.
There you have it.
One of the changes in my life, that makes my heart beat stronger and has allowed me to see life in a whole new dimension.
Stay tuned for some awesomeness that will make your taste buds soar to new heights. '
Tis the season.