Life carries on. So it does. I laugh as I read my last post titled "Absence" as I have been absent from posting again. Sometimes forcing yourself to be in a space is not conducive to your existence and is counterproductive. If our hearts are not open to being in that space then we should refrain. This morning I woke up quite early and found myself just before the sun rose on my yoga mat in the back yard with David Newmann's kirtan making way into my heart via my ipod. I set an intention for my day to go forth with mindfulness, love, devotion and tolerance in every action and every thought. The music had spoken to me in a way that magnetically connected my mind, body and spirit. My body was led by the rhythm of the music and the flow of my breath. Even though the air was crisp, my body began to warm through several rounds of sun salutations. Even though the sun had not quite peeked its head over the horizon, I could feel its solar warmth within the core of my body. I began to sweat. I felt such a sweet sensation of alignment and release. I felt the need to downsize my life in such a way that I could focus not only this day but each and every day on these very important intentions that I had set. After completing several breaths in a headstand, I could hear the sweet voices of my two youngest daughters. That was my call to savasana. I turned Shanti (peace out) by MC Yogi on my ipod as I melted into this pose....into this space that my heart was so open to. My breath began to slow but I could feel the strong beat of my heart. With each beat I could feel goodness and light radiate from me. I rolled my shoulders underneath my body to have that upward lifting heart. Open and willing. At the close of the song, MC Yogi whispered such wonderful words into my ear, "Peace in, Peace out." By aligning my heart with my space and with my intentions, I could feel peace within me with each inhale. It is then that peace will flow out of me and touch those around me...with each exhale. As I rose from savasana, the sun had made its way over the horizon and shone upon my face with such beauty and grace that I could only simply smile. I felt as if I could embark upon my day with this energy from the sun. Just as it warmed my heart from deep within I felt that I could truly be in a space where I could be mindful in all that I do, love from depths of my heart, show true devotion to all those around me, and tolerate all individuals and understand that each and every path is unique. Love and Light.
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