This is an online journal about my experiences in health, fitness and life in general with the hope to inspire others to unlock their own power to do...
Monday, October 25, 2010
Blueberry Hemp Smoothie

Sunday, October 17, 2010
Attention Boot Campers!
See you there!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Food Matters- Seriously

The other day, Netflix recommended a documentary for me called "Food Matters." This is an AMAZING movie and I HIGHLY recommended it to everyone. The movie is based on Hippocrates' philosophy, "Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food." When I turned on the documentary, I was VERY close to taking a dose of sinus medication...this is something I NEVER do. Seriously, I was going to turn on the show, pop a pill and watch it. However, the opening was the Hippocrates quote. I decided to just sit down. The movie spoke a lot about the drug companies, lack of nutritional education in doctors, and the importance of eating raw superfoods as well as vitamin therapy for sickness and disease. I had a cold coming on. The next day was spent nursing it with oil of oregano, vitamin c, d3, zinc and many cups of echinacea tea. Cold....Gone.
Anyhow, watching this documentary as well as hearing the story of Philip McCluskey (below), I am ready for some serious dabbling in raw foods again. Please watch his story and if you can watch "Food Matters" because guess what my friend? Food REALLY does matter. It makes a difference in your energy levels, the quality of your life, your mood and most importantly your health. The movie says it, I have said, and MANY others have said, heard it and believed it- "You are what you eat." So eat well and be well and have a beautiful day!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Mochi Waffles with Steamed Greens
Sunday, October 3, 2010
LOVE yourself, Part II
I am not being critical or mean. I honestly feel that it is sad to see people walk around accepting mediocracy from themselves, in their relationships, from society and from the government that deceives us. Seek the truth. Love your self more than that.
This is the beginning of a new month, my friends. Take the next thirty days or so to challenge yourself and do something for you everyday- something that will serve your greater purpose in life. Meditate, get 30 minutes of exercise a day, drink 64 oz of water, drink a green smoothie. Do something productive and healthy for you today. Love yourself more.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
LOVE yourself