Saturday, March 27, 2010

Got Skin?

We all do, of course. But having lost 60 lbs or so I had a little too much of it. It wasn't so awful but the little bit of extra skin left over from weight loss left on my stomach and thighs did bother me. I researched it quite a bit. I read that surgery was an option, however, in my case, I didn't have that much in excess. I also found that it can take up to two years for your skin to snap back to normal state and it is important to moisturize it daily. However, after reading the raw food cleanse book, I read about a technique called dry skin brushing. I decided to give it a go.

Here are the benefits of this practice:
1. Assists in the removal of cellulite
2. Stimulates and cleanses the lymph system
3. Removes dead skin
4. Stimulates and strengthens the immune system
5. Stimulates hormone and oil-producing glands
6. Tightens the skin (that's what I was looking for!)
7. Aids in toning the muscles
8. Stimulates circulation
9. Improves nervous system functioning
10. Aids in digestion


I use a standard soft body brush that you would use in the shower. You can purchase a really good one at health food stores.

1. Start at your feet and softly brush your skin in an upward circular motion (you can also start at the head by brushing your hair and scalp; see number 5)

2. Work your way up; always brushing towards the heart. Don't skip any spots. Don't forget your back.

3. When you get to your shoulder and neck area, brush down now...always toward the heart.

4. I lightly brush my face and ears.

5. I end the brushing by briskly brushing my hair and stimulating my scalp with a standard hair brush.

6. Immediately get in the shower. I go through through cycles of rinsing, alternating between hot and cold water. (hot water then cold water= 1 cycle then repeat 2 mores x's)

7. Wash your body with a good soap. I use Tom's Natural soaps.

8. Upon exiting the shower, massage coconut oil into your skin. Throw all those synthetic moisturizers away.

Twice a week, after the brushing and before getting into the shower, I dampen my skin and scrub a natural salt scrub into my skin to help with the exfoliation process.

Yes, I have noticed a HUGE change in the appearance and feel of my skin. Not only do I notice, others have noted the changes as well. I highly recommend adopting this skin care regimen. If you are in the process of losing weight, start today! It's so easy and very inexpensive. You can even make your own body scrubs right at home. Here is a link to an easy one. Now get brushing and enjoy the new look and feel of your beautiful skin!


  1. That sounds invigorating and something I need to start doing right away.
    I wanted to let you know about It's an awesome community.

  2. Hi Brenda,

    Is that Penni Shelton's site? I have read about it in her book and through her blog, but haven't been to her site yet. I think that will be on list of sites to visit today. :)
