This is an online journal about my experiences in health, fitness and life in general with the hope to inspire others to unlock their own power to do...
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Got Skin?
Here are the benefits of this practice:
1. Assists in the removal of cellulite
2. Stimulates and cleanses the lymph system
3. Removes dead skin
4. Stimulates and strengthens the immune system
5. Stimulates hormone and oil-producing glands
6. Tightens the skin (that's what I was looking for!)
7. Aids in toning the muscles
8. Stimulates circulation
9. Improves nervous system functioning
10. Aids in digestion
I use a standard soft body brush that you would use in the shower. You can purchase a really good one at health food stores.
1. Start at your feet and softly brush your skin in an upward circular motion (you can also start at the head by brushing your hair and scalp; see number 5)
2. Work your way up; always brushing towards the heart. Don't skip any spots. Don't forget your back.
3. When you get to your shoulder and neck area, brush down now...always toward the heart.
4. I lightly brush my face and ears.
5. I end the brushing by briskly brushing my hair and stimulating my scalp with a standard hair brush.
6. Immediately get in the shower. I go through through cycles of rinsing, alternating between hot and cold water. (hot water then cold water= 1 cycle then repeat 2 mores x's)
7. Wash your body with a good soap. I use Tom's Natural soaps.
8. Upon exiting the shower, massage coconut oil into your skin. Throw all those synthetic moisturizers away.
Twice a week, after the brushing and before getting into the shower, I dampen my skin and scrub a natural salt scrub into my skin to help with the exfoliation process.
Yes, I have noticed a HUGE change in the appearance and feel of my skin. Not only do I notice, others have noted the changes as well. I highly recommend adopting this skin care regimen. If you are in the process of losing weight, start today! It's so easy and very inexpensive. You can even make your own body scrubs right at home. Here is a link to an easy one. Now get brushing and enjoy the new look and feel of your beautiful skin!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Thirsty Thursday
1 medium parsnip (of course)
1/2 cucumber (peeled if not organic)
2 white radishes
2 stalks of celery
4-5 carrots (I used very small ones, if using standard or large I would use only 1 or 1 1/2)
5-6 blood oranges
1 teaspoon of raw local honey (I used avocado honey)
1 wedge of a sweet lime
Run the 1st 6 ingredients through your juicer. Mix in 1 teaspoon of honey. Top with a squeeze of sweet lime and enjoy!
Ingredient spotlight: Blood Oranges
The red pigment in a blood orange is called anthocyanin. It is an antioxidant that decreases the risks connected to many illnesses including some age-related illnesses. Blood oranges may also reduce the threat of heart disease, certain kinds of cancer, and the accumulation of bad cholesterol. Furthermore, they may possibly lessen the risk of cataracts, and lend support in the body's natural healing processes.
Like all citrus fruits, blood oranges, are excellent sources of vitamin C. A typical orange provides about 130% of the recommended daily amount of the vitamin. It also provides fiber and are also is a valuable source of folate, calcium, and vitamin A.
For other juice recipes, type "juicing" or "Thirsty Thursday" in the search box in the upper left hand corner of this site.
Friday, March 19, 2010
The Fruit Guys
About Us
The FruitGuys is the industry leader in providing farm-fresh produce to the
American workplace.
Founded in 1998 and headquartered in San Francisco, The FruitGuys has
pioneered this fast-growing category that provides viable solutions to the
ever-challenging workplace health crisis. The company was founded on the premise
that bringing healthy brain food to the office can boost productivity, improve
wellness and help companies improve their bottom lines.
The FruitGuys provides fresh seasonal fruit from local farms to thousands
of American businesses, from small family-run businesses to major Fortune 500
corporations. The FruitGuys has been called upon by some of the most well-known
businesses in the nation, including Littler Mendelson, Yahoo!, Yamaha, VMWare,
Wells Fargo, among thousands of other industry leaders.
We consider ourselves fortunate to work with customers who share our ideals
about health, the environment, and our communities. The FruitGuys launched our Farm Steward Program in April 2008 to support sustainable small family farming.
We donate 88,000 pounds of fresh fruit a year (more than 7,000 pounds a month)
to non-profit groups and regional food pantries nationwide, such as Somethin'
Fresh. With your support, we sent over 7,000 pieces of fresh fruit to
food-banks and programs for families in need over the winter holidays with our Donate-A-Crate Program.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Thirsty Thursday: Get "Rooted"
This juice is a blend of several different root vegetables with a hint of green apple. It’s very refreshing and great to have anytime of the day. I used all organic ingredients which is a big plus.
1 Parsnip
3 stalks of celery
1 inch piece of ginger root
1 green apple
A couple slices of celery root
Run through your juicer, top with a squeeze of sweet lime juice and a sweet lime wedge for garnish. Enjoy!
Ingredient profile: Celery root
I received the celery root in my mix from the fruit guys. I considered making a soup out of it, but the juicer was calling its name. Celery root contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, E, K and minerals such as iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc. Vitamin C contained by celery supports the immune system, making the body more resilient against new diseases. Along with magnesium, iron is helpful in lessening the effects of anemia. Celery has the ultimate measure of iron and magnesium to keep diseases like cancer from making progress. This plant has diuretic properties and is also purifying to the body. Due in part to its purifying properties, the ingestion of celery is suggested for those people who are “always-on-the-go” and find it difficult to keep up with healthy eating. Since it is diuretic and purifying, celery is the perfect ingredient for those who are trying to achieve weight loss. Diets based on celery have reviving and stimulating effects on the body. It doesn’t stop there. It has other benefits which include expectorant and emollient properties which make this plant effective against bronchitis. It also adjusts hormonal dysfunctions assisting in conditions such as sever menstrual cramps (dysmenorrheal), infertility, menopausal disorders and acne.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Garden Update: Week 3
Monday, March 15, 2010
A Breakfast for Champions
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Thirsty Thursday: Pretty as a Parsnip
Garden Update: Week 2
The photo at the top of this page was taken by my super talented daughter, Audriana. How does she figure out that pics like that will turn out so neat? She is so unique. :)
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Thirsty Thursday: Juice Recipe of the Week
1 ½ cups of green or red grapes
1 Granny Smith Apple
½ cucumber
2 stalks of celery
1 large handful of Spinach
1 small handful of mint
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Garden Progress- Week 1
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Goal Assessment

Like most people, I set goals for myself for 2010. Being the beginning of March, I have decided to perform a self assessment to see where I am at two months into the New Year.
My goals were to inspire others, plant an organic garden, make a large dent in my degree program and become a certified group fitness instructor. After performing a quick self assessment, I have done extremely well!
As far as inspiring others, I have been helping some friends with weight loss and fitness goals. I am constantly answering phone calls, text messages and emails with questions in regards to health and fitness. I have been a “scorekeeper” for a weight loss competition in which women compete to lose the highest percentage of weight. I have also been more active with my blog and from the feedback I receive, have helped motivate people that I wasn’t even aware of. Inspiring others to be the best they can be is a fulfilling experience and in turn motivates me to stay accountable for my actions.
My husband and I began planning our organic garden (post and pics to come later this week). We have picked a spot and my husband began building the raised beds. My oldest daughter started 72 seeds and my youngest two girls have started a total of 12seeds. Between the three girls, we have onions, multi-colored peppers, pumpkins and tomatoes. The other plants we will put into our garden will be baby plants that we will purchase in a few weeks. I purchased a compost bin. Dirt is being delivered in a few days to fill our beds. We have been doing our research and have been shopping around for ideas. This is a goal that is definitely in the works.
In regards to my degree, I had a phone appointment with my advisor. He was able to reduce the amount of classes that I have left. He also lined me up with a full schedule of classes that were in the correct order. I should be finished by fall 2011. Perfect!
Last but definitely not least, I signed up for my group fitness instructor certification on April 3. I should be receiving my study materials and text book soon and will attend an eight hour workshop. I will then take a test and will officially be a certified group fitness instructor. I also signed up for my CPR/AED certification which is a requirement for the certification. I began teaching yoga to my playgroup moms in the park just to gain a little experience.
Come back in a few days for my garden update and pictures.