It is Monday morning in early August. This week there will be a shift that occurs in my schedule as my husband and two of my three daughters return to school for the next 10 months. It's funny how we get into a routine and sometimes change can make us feel uneasy. That is truly what I felt as this past June came around. I was in a routine and then overnight, it changed. With everyone in my family home, I had to adjust my schedule. For the first few weeks, I was beyond uncomfortable, however as the weeks progressed we all were in alignment. It was as if our little family paid a visit to a chiropractor and all was right.
Personally, I grew in so many ways over the summer. I definitely felt like my heart became more open. I gave specific focus in my personal yoga practice to opening my heart and throat chakras. I feel now as if I can love more deeply and communicate more effectively. The most wonderful aspect of this is that I can continue to grow. As a family, we chose to downgrade, de-clutter and begin the path to a simpler existence. I will forever be thankful for these past few months and this time will have a powerful impression on my heart for the rest of my life. There wasn't anything too dramatic that occurred but it was the little things that assisted me in opening my heart, loving more, expressing myself and understanding others on a different level. Friendships were strengthened, relationships were mended and minds were opened.
This summer was restorative for me. It was not something that I planned, it was something that just happened. Almost as if everything in the universe aligned for me whether I felt I was ready for it or not. Interestingly enough, I remember the moment when the restoration began. Not a moment I will publicly share, but it was simple, yet grand. I feel like now I can continue to evolve into the person I was meant to be. There was so much in the way that this evolution could not proceed. Now that this "de-cluttering" has occurred, I can proceed. I will not change but simply evolve and bring forth the most positive energies within me and most importantly LOVE deeply.