Monday, December 27, 2010

New Year: New Realizations: New Goals

Happy Holidays! With the craziness of the season, I have taken a break from the blogging aspect of my life. As Christmas has come and gone and the new year is upon us, I feel the need to free my mind and body from excess clutter and to reconnect with what is pure and life sustaining. I have definitely come to some realizations over the past few weeks and have decided upon some goals for the New Year to come.

What I have realized:

If I made a list of what I have come to realize in 2010, this post would be way too long. Instead, I will narrow my "epiphanies" (so to speak) to the last few weeks.

-Saving yourself for that one or two days of holiday binging is not worth the effects it has on the body.

-I function better as a person on whole raw unprocessed foods.

-Christmas is about giving, love and family- not about how many gifts are under the tree. It is about being receptive to a need that a loved one may have and complying to that need.

-No matter what comes your way, remember to breathe. It is the essence of life. When we breathe deeply, we rid ourselves of that which is stale and unnecessary in our lives and we have the opportunity to give ourselves that which is fresh and clean.

-2010 was a year of many realizations. I have made new space in many aspects of my life for growth.

So there you have it. Yes, it's a bit random.

After looking back at my goals 1 year ago, I am so glad to say that I have completed every one of them. I have a good feeling about 2011. Here are my goals:

-I will start the year with a 14 day cleanse and will finish up January by eating 100% raw and continuing with at least 80% raw. I was eating 80-90% raw up until the week before Christmas. Christmas Day was quite a discovery for me. I typically bake a ton of goodies at Christmas. I limited my baking to the day before Christmas this year and made a minimal amount. However, Christmas day came around and I literally pigged out. I am totally ashamed to admit it. I ate so many things that I normally do not ever touch....chips, ranch dressing, cookies, cheesecake, candy. This was a huge mistake....especially the dairy. I haven't touched a piece of meat in a year and a half and I do not struggle with it. When it comes to holidays and dairy, I break. Never again. The day after Christmas opened my eyes. I had the worst food reaction ever. My nose was running. I was sneezing repeatedly. My digestion was way off and I had the worst headache ever. I was tired. It is because of this occurance that I have chosen this goal.

-I want to grow and expand my business. It has been a great few months working with women on weight loss, strength, and endurance. It has been a pleasure introducing them to the wonderful benefits of yoga. I have added some great options to my menu of fitness activities. I have scheduled two morning retreats that include hiking, yoga and lunch. I hope to add motivational guest speakers to the retreats as participants gain interest. I have also added personal training and am excited to continue to help and inspire others this year.

-Join a CSA. A CSA is community supported agriculture in which you pre-pay for a share of fresh local organic produce to be picked up weekly. I have talked about it and thought about it for a long time now and am ready to join in. I feel this is one of the best ways to continue my support of small local farms.

These are my goals for health fitness and community. I hope that by stating my goals, I can begin to inspire others to unleash the power they posses within to do.

"I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do." -Leonardo da Vinci