Just recently a new book was released called, “The Raw Food Cleanse” by Penni Shelton. This book was referred to me by a friend of mine who consumes a high raw diet. I decided to purchase the book through Amazon. At $9 and some change before shipping, you can’t beat the price. Anyways, I’ve been reading the book and although I am not quite done yet, I myself am considering doing the raw food cleanses listed in the book. The book lays out 4 raw food cleanses. There is a 3 day energy boost cleanse, a 7 day rejuvenation cleanse, a 14 day deep detox cleanse, and a 28 day total reset cleanse. I had previously considered my diet pretty raw prior to reading the book, but as I continue reading, I have become even more aware of the food I am consuming. I would say that I am about 50-70% raw which is way more than the typical American. The book mentions consuming an 80% raw diet and leaving the remaining 20% up to you for social situations, etc. There are several testimonies of individuals who have participated in a raw food experiment conducted by the book’s author. The participants list the benefits of the raw food lifestyle. Benefits include increased mental clarity, weight loss, clearer skin, brighter eyes, increased energy, better digestion, and the list continues. I am ready to make that shopping list and start cleansing.
My plan is to start with the 3 day cleanse, give myself a break (while staying very mindful of my consumption) and continue on to the 7 day cleanse. At that point, I will decide if I want to move on the 14 day cleanse. I think my biggest concern with doing more than a 7 day cleanse is losing weight. I do not wish to lose any more weight. I am weighing in right now at 127 lbs which is a great size for me. My BMI is at 20 and my body fat percentage is about 18-19%. The benefits that I am seeking from cleansing are, of course, overall health and wellness and increased mental clarity- especially since I am hitting my courses for my degree head on with full force.
Here is a list of things that are holding me back. I do not yet own a juicer or a food dehydrator. These are two tools that raw foodists own. After reviewing the recipes in the book and conducting my own research, I know that I can get by with my cheap $15 blender, but I would have more options with the juicer. I have been looking into buying one. I have searched new and used and, with so many choices, I am overwhelmed. A dehydrator gives you the option of making raw “chips”, dried fruit, etc. This is yet another decision that has overwhelmed me. I will break down and buy these gadgets eventually; it is just going to take some time.
The next item holding me back is……COFFEE. Now, granted I drink only organic coffee with coconut milk creamer, but if you’re going to cleanse, you’ve got to go for it. I know it’s all in my head. I am not a huge coffee drinker. I drink on average an 6-8 cup in the morning with 3-4 tbsp of so delicious coconut milk creamer. I have come a long way with reducing my consumption. I used to drink 20 ounces per day with who knows how many tbsp of Nestle French Vanilla Creamer which is full of terrible ingredients. I just have one word to say about that creamer and it is hydrogenated.
I think I will be okay giving up cooked foods. I am not a big dairy eater at the moment s that shouldn’t be a problem either. So, I guess that concludes my list. No juicer, no dehydrator, and the fact that I have to give up coffee. That’s not such a bad list, huh? I need to get over it. J
So my plan is to do this 3 day cleanse mid week. I will start on a Monday or Tuesday and conclude the cleanse on Wednesday or Thursday. The author recommends doing this cleanse on a weekend, but my circumstances are a bit different since I do not work. With my husband and daughter are at work and school for most of the day, I think it will be easier to focus on my agenda.
I will continue to post about my journey on this cleanse which I will start someday next week. I need to get my plan and my shopping list in order and then I’ll go in with smoking guns.
Until next time….