My Recent Accomplishments
Weight Loss
I recently lost over 40 pounds. At one point, I felt I was destined to be big forever. I accepted that was who I was meant to be. I accepted the phrase "big boned." I was in denial. I was bitter and I didn't even realize it. I had always been interested in health and fitness and had never quite made the decision to plunge into it head first. It was the beginning of spring 2009 and I had recently started drinking kombucha tea which is pretty pricey at $3.25 a bottle. I had just finished that bottle and was reading the label and all of its benefits. Then it struck me. Why am I drinking this? I weigh 180 pounds (that was my starting weight) and I eat way too much crap. What is the point? I can't just add one little thing to my life and expect it to change me. It was then that I decided that I had to figure this out on my own. I didn't want to join a gym but I did want to be healthier. I had worked out previously, mostly running, but it was never consistent enough to yield results. I had to do this for me and for my family. My teen daughter is a track athlete and I have two small girls that I stay at home with. I had to be healthy for them....I wanted to be a strong and healthy role model for them. My husband has always been into fitness. I knew I had to do this for him too. I had to do it for me. I needed to feel better. I needed more energy.
I discovered the secret. The secret is that there isn't any secret. I knew what to do. There was no pill or magic diet. I had to eat healthy and I had to work out. I had to commit. I did just that. I started shopping at health food stores and farmer's markets. I worked out every single day in my living room when my little ones were napping. I did it. I am now 136 pounds and am smaller than I was in high school. I am not big boned or destined to be large. I am healthy, strong and happy. I found that health extends into all of the other areas of your life.
Community Involvement
I recently was the team captain for Team Sassy. As a team, we raised about $2300 for the Susan G. Komen Foundation and participated in the Race for the Cure. It was a great feeling.
I have also recently become involved in donating food to local food banks.
It's a good feeling to help others and it's a great way to be a role model for your children.
Athletic Accomplishments
I have ran a few 5k's. My average time was 29-30 minutes for a 5k which is 3.1 miles. When I ran the 5k a few weeks ago, I ran the race in 26:10 which is 4 minutes faster than my previous times. I came in 9th out of 27 women in my age group. What a great moment it was when I saw those race results!
Those are my most recent accomplishments. I will have many more to come. I am excited to share this blog with others and even if I inspire just one person to unlock their power within, then it is worth it. Enjoy!